I want to eat more of them. Like every single day. But I can't because I'm not supposed to be eating gluten. I couldn't help it!! It's all my friend Jon's fault. We've been friends for 10 years so he has influence on me. He moved to Arizona. He came back for the long weekend and twisted my arm (okay not even a little but what-ever) into going to this place called Bruxie in Old Towne Orange.
What is a Bruxie you ask? A definition for you fine people:
In laymen's terms: It is the place where magic waffle sandwiches aka 'Bruxies' are made.
Ohhh maaaaaan. The first time I had the Cheesy Bruxie. It was off the chain--Tillamook cheddar, gruyere cheese and ham between two crispy yet airy waffles.
Pause to imagine. Okay resume.
I wept. Well actually I inhaled and then wept while he ate the Lemon Meringue Bruxie with fresh berries. I managed to swipe one bite. We told ourselves it was competitive eating for the Chef so I'd have to go back again, right?
On Sunday I said to the Chef, "Hmmmmm I think it's Bruxie waffle sandwich time". He said something
d.i.e. Sundried Tomatoes and Goat Cheese w/Balsamic Reduction Bruxie. DEAL WITH IT!!
I could barely bring myself to share one little bite. But I neeeeded to try his:
Buttermilk Fried Chicken and Waffle with a side of real Maple Syrup Bruxie. MADNESS
It gets worse better.
By this time I'd thrown caution entirely to the wind and was completely irresponsibly eating.
I'd fallen under the Bruxie spell and there was no turning back.
I hope you're buckled into your chairs for this one: Nutella, Bananas and Sweet Cream Bruxie.
He got up to get a glass of water, I caught a whiff of that Nutella/Banana combo and it was game over.
Binge eater on the loose folks!
Lemon Meringue and Fresh Berries Bruxie. You didn't really think I'd go all that way and
only have had that one bite of my friend's linger around in my mind for eternity now did you?
Oh no.
And to think I had been primarily concerned with what to wear in a college town so as to not
appear the older uncool woman at the cool waffle stand.
~James Perse Sweatshirt, layered Gap tanks, Rich&Skinny BF Jeans, Old Stud Handmade Belt, Converse Sneakers, H&M Sunnies (best $5 I've spent in years), Foley+Corinna Mid-City Tote~
I don't think they were onto me, but I had something akin to a whiteout and can't quite recall.
Here's a shot of the Bruxie menu for your viewing pleasure:
If you live in Southern California, are visiting Southern California
or planning a trip to Southern California this little place is a must.
See website here.
Whew I need a nap after that recap.
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Home of the Ultimate Waffle Sandwich