Blog Informasi Tentang Burung Ciblek dan Burung Kicauan Lokal

Feng Shui--Ya Habibi for the Closets

I have to say I think there's some validity to Feng Shui.  Now don't get all, 'of COURSE there is' on me--I get it.  I really do (as much of it as I understand anyway).  I know it's more than just my mildly OCD brain craving order because even when I can't see the chaos I can actually feel it in my brain no matter where in the room or space I'm standing.  Weird, right?  Or maybe not.

Take for instance the storage closet in my laundry room.  Even though I didn't unpack the items that went into it, somehow I just knew it wasn't in order every time I walked by.  Miss Cleo at 3 o'clock.  Sure enough--2 months after moving into my place--last Saturday I got a bee in my bonnet (always wanted to use that because it's so Ma and Pa Ingalls) to get some things in order.  Confession?:  the place is mostly in disarray.  Due to work, blogging and wanting to get fresh air who has time to truly unpack and organize?  Not me.  And it's been messing with my head.  I can't think clearly, I feel unsettled, and frankly it makes me confused and somewhat tired a lot of the time even if I'm in the rooms that are in order.

It doesn't help matters much when I step outside every day to this.  In fact I can see it off the kitchen:
I know what you're saying to yourself:  what the h*ll is she doing?
Oh it's not me.  It's the landlord.  His painters were supposed to be here 3 weeks ago to finish painting.
Instead they showed up on Saturday at 8am, ripped a bunch of wood off and left.
Today he told me he's not sure when they'll be back.  Um, okay.  
Pardon me while I spend all summer trying to avoid plunging to my death via that gaping hole.
See what I mean?  Messes with my head.  

Rather than continuing to try to nap it out, I've decided to tackle one small area of disarray at a time...
beginning with that laundry storage closet.  
Let us begin with a simple question.  Who does this?
I'll tell you who:  the Chef--he can organize a kitchen like no other.  
My storage closet, however, not so much.  This top area is next to the 12 foot ceiling. 
To begin:  I'm 5'3''.  I need to seeeee the grocery bags in order to remember to take them.
It also helps if they're not balled up and indistinguishable.  Just a thought.
Upon removing said balled up bags I discovered 800 other bags within them. 
756 Martin+Osa bags from the good old days (RIP), 1 FEED Bag, 1 random burlap bag, 
1 cat print bag (score!) and 1 Whole Foods bag...tag still on.  Effective.
Post organization...I even feel better looking at it. (disregard laundry on your left)
I know what you're thinking:  it's still a hot mess up top, but I swear it's not.
Very top is next to ceiling and contains party favors and paint supplies aka rarely used.
Next shelf: reusable bags, awesome old school Banana Republic Potpourri and electrical stuff.
Third:  cleaning supplies I can reach just above my head--no ladder.

In organization frenzy 2011 I got caught up and didn't get a picture of the lower shelves in disarray, but here they are all cleaned out.  They're what the bag door closes onto:
Glorious isn't it?  
Are you still with me or have you checked out into the zzzzzz zone?
All you mild to moderate OCD'ers give a shout out--I know you're out there!!  Hello?
This however?  NOT GLORIOUS.  
All heading to the trash except the lighter fluid and odd paint supply.  
After that it's home freeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Seriously though--I wanted to sleep in this room so many times this week.  I felt peaceful and calm in there simply because it is organized.  I know you think I've lost it:  where's the clothes lady?  Where's the fashion?  One of my old bosses in retail used to drag us into the backroom and ream us if it was unorganized.  He always said he could tell how efficiently a store was running by the condition of the stockroom.  'If the backroom is a mess, the sales floor is a mess--even if it looks good on the outside it's just a cover for the truth.' And he was right.  It's a philosophy I've carried with me ever since.  If my closets aren't clean, my rooms aren't organized.  Similarly, if my interior life--my heart and spirit aren't at peace--what I'm presenting externally, even if it appears put together, is only masking internal chaos that is wreaking havoc throughout my life.  Truth, right?

So there's my armchair psychology for today.  I'm going to try to put it to good use when I watch The Real Housewives of New York tonight (did you get my ya habibi reference in the title?!) and when I move onto phase two of closet clean out 2011 on Saturday. May the cleaning fairies be with me.  

Have a great weekend everyone!  Remind me next week to tell you what the Chef found shoved down the drain at the restaurant today.  Niiiiiiiiiice.
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