Confession: I'm not much of a rule follower - probably because I spent half my life rigorously following them. Don't get me wrong, I'm still my same nerd - trying to get the right amount of rest, eat my veggies, pay my bills on time and all the important stuff - but in areas such as fashion...I mean really, what's going to happen? I'm going to wear white after Labor Day and the Fashion Police are going to haul me over?
If anything I find white denim to be particularly wonderful in fall and winter - simply because it can both brighten and soften an ensemble. The outfit I put together is one of my go-to's. It blends cashmere, suede and leather with white denim to create a Calvin Klein-esque appeal (at least in my mind). Cue the horses...I mean the cats.
Foley + Corinna-Mid-City Tote, Melinda Maria-Rings, Anthro-Sunnies~
It's tough to shoot in the sun so here's a better side view.
I've worn each of these pieces before and consider them staples in my closet.
Close-up: Despite the bunch in the knee, I still like the pants in boots.
Apparently cats find white denim appealing, too.
Remember in the summer when I was cat whispering
in the canals? What was I wearing?? White denim shorts + grey poncho!
It's no mystery that I love cats and they love me. I've been a cat homing
device ever since I was a little kid. Today we walked up and they
almost immediately started coming out.
Hollar!! It got soooooo close. The wild ones are always my besties!
I realize you're thinking, 'wth lady isn't this about white denim??'
Sowee! I couldn't resist...(dear carey: also purchased food and returned)
Truth: I got winded and had to sit down before I passed out.
Thus is the price of maintaining a blog.
Don't forget to check out everyone else who's up today - stop by more than once if you don't see their posts right away. They've all confirmed and I'm not sure what their regular post times are:
- Carlina - Allergic to Vanilla
- HC - Freelance Shop-a-Holic - as of posting...i think i see a hint of the leopard!! (cheetah!)
- Jiye - Pearls and Green Tea
- Rali - Styles N Cream - as of posting hers is up and all i can say is i need to get well and work out immediately. hawt!
- And thanks again to everyone who participated and all the readers who came around and visited each of us. It's been fab!
Anthropologie , Banana Republic , Club Monaco , Foley + Corinna , J. Crew , Martin+Osa , Melinda Maria , White Denim Challenge Day 4